Drop Bear - 1oz Copper Round (Coin)

1oz. .999 Fine Copper, Solid Copper (Rounds) Coin (Not Plated). ---- Comes in a clear Protective Plastic Capsule.
SKU: Cryptid Drop Bear 1oz copper




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Availability: Only 3 Left In Stock - Order Soon - More on the way.
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The cryptid beasts that will feature in the Cryptid Creatures Series include the Jersey Devil, Abominable Snowman, Jackalope, and these Drop Bear issues. The Drop Bear is one of the few to originate outside of North America. In fact, the legend of the Drop Bear is exclusive to Australian culture.

The obverse side of Cryptid Creatures Drop Bear Copper Rounds comes with a depiction of a horrifying twist on the koala bear. Normally viewed as a soft, cute, and cuddly creature, the Drop Bear is a rabid koala bear with a thirst for human blood and the razor-claws teeth necessary to take down any opponent.


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