Marvel Legends Eternals 6 Inch Action Figure BAF Gilgamesh - Druig

By: Marvel
Marvel Legends Eternals 6 Inch Action Figure BAF Gilgamesh - Druig - Year: 2021
SKU: 5010993720515
GTIN (ISBN / EAN / UPC): 5010993720515

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Using cosmic energy to control the minds of others, Druig is aloof and powerful, but at times it’s hard to determine whether he is friend or foe.

The Eternals are a race of immortal aliens from a distant planet who arrived on Earth thousands of years ago to protect humanity from a race of alien predators called Deviants. The Eternals were alerted to the Deviant threat by the Celestials, a race of cosmic builders whose fingerprints are on the very building blocks of life itself. .

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